Saturday, January 15, 2005

Introducing Agile Methods

Peter Schuh has written a practical article about introducting Agile methods. I don't believe in sweeping changes it implement Agile methods, and my approach is similar to what Peter recommends.
" not bill yourself as Team Agile. Do not make a big deal about trying Agile. In fact, try to bring as little additional attention to the team as possible. The team will need time to work through even a single practice, to measure its benefit, to tweak its implementation, and to ultimately embrace or reject it. You do not want to tie your team’s hands or put them under the microscope.

Let the results of your foray into Agile speak for themselves. If the team’s performance is improved, your customer, your boss, and your customer’s boss are all likely to notice."

Traditional--with a Twist by Peter Schuh